Papillons d'Europe, peints d'après nature
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Papillons d'Europe, peints d'après nature
- by
- Ernst, J. J; Ernst, J. J. Papillons d'Europe, peints d'après nature. Supplement. Classe 1re; Engramelle, Joseph; Carangeot, Arnould, 1742-1806; Devillers, Charles, 1724-1809, illustrator; Fossier, illustrator; Hochecker, Maria Eleonora, 1761-1834, illustrator; Müller, C. F. (Christian Frederik), 1744-1814, illustrator; Ranson, Pierre, 1736-1786, illustrator; Zell, Johann Michael, illustrator; Gerardin, active 1779, engraver; Ransonnette, Pierre Nicolas, 1745-1810, engraver; Juillet, Jacques, 1739-, engraver; Kraul, Car. Fran., engraver; Roger, Barthélemy Joseph Fulcran, 1767-1841, engraver; Staignand, engraver; Swebach de Fontaine, Jacques François Joseph, 1769-1823, engraver; Delaguette, Pierre-Méri, -1788, publisher; Veuve Delaguette (Firm), publisher; Bazan & Poignant, publisher; Bellu (Firm), publisher; Bernard Quaritch (Firm), bookseller. DSI
- Publication date
- 1779
- Topics
- Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera, Butterflies, Moths, Butterflies in art, Moths in art, Biological specimens
- Publisher
- A Paris : Chez P.M. Delaguette, imprimeur-libraire ... ; Basan & Poignant, marchands d'estampes ...
- Collection
- biodiversity
- Contributor
- Smithsonian Libraries
- Language
- French
- Volume
- t.3 [Atlas]
- Item Size
- 574.6M
Issued in 29 fascicles. Each part was originally issued in printed gray paper covers
Statement of responsibility from covers of parts
Dedication to M. Gigot d'Orcy signed: J.J. Ernst
According to Quérard in La France litteraire, some of the descriptions were written by A. Carangeot; see British Museum cat. (Nat. hist.) v. 2, p. 539
Imprint on covers of parts: À Paris. Chez Ernst, auteur ... P.M. Delaguette, imprimeur-libraire, Bazan et Poignant, marchands d'estampes ..
Imprint varies. Vols. 6-8: A Paris: Chez la veuve Delaguette ..
Dates on title pages for each of the text tomes: t. 1, MDCCLXXIX [1779]; t. 2, MDCCLXXX [1780]; t. 3, MDCCLXXXII [1782]; t. 4, MDCCLXXXV [1785]; t. 5, MDCCLXXXVI [1786]; t. 6, MDCCLXXXVIII [1788]; t. 7, MDCCXC [1790]; t. 8, MDCCXCII [1792]. Pt. 28 (text t. 8) is dated at foot of p. [89]: 1793. The atlas title pages are undated
Text tomes 1-2 also called Premiere partie; with engraved t.p., which reads: Insectes d'Europe, peints d'apres nature ... Premiere partie, les chenilles, crisalides et papillons de jour ..
Text tomes 3-8 also called Seconde partie. Tome 3 has subtitle Chenilles, crisalides, & papillons sphinx. Tomes 4-8 have subtitle Chenilles, crisaldes, & papillons-phalènes
Text volumes 1-2 are paged continuously
Pagination of text: t. 1: [8], xxxiv, 86, xi, [1] p.; t. 2: [5], 88-111, [4], 114-206, [3], 208-343, [1] p., uncolored leaves of plates I-III; t. 3: [4], x, 132 p.; t. 4: [4], 90, [2], 91-215, [3] p.; t. 5: [4], 152, [2] p.; t. 6: [4], 176, [2] p.; t. 7: [4], 173, [5] p.; t. 8: [2], 157, [1] p
Atlas consists of three tomes of "planches," each with an engraved t.p. that reads: Insectes d'Europe, peints d'apres nature .... Atlas t. 1 has imprint: Se vend à Paris, chez Ernst, auteur ..., De Laguette ..., Bazan & Poignant. Atlas t. 2 has imprint: Se vend à Paris, aux adresses des Papillons de jour, et chez Bellu et compagnie .... Atlas t. 3 has imprint: Se vend à Paris, chez Delaguette, imprimeur libraire ... [et] Bassan et Poignant md. d'estampes .... Atlas t.p. for t. 1 and t. 2 are hand-colored; atlas t.p. for t. 3 is uncolored
Atlas has 357 leaves of plates in various foliations; approximately 12 plates were issued with each part. Three numbered, uncolored plates depicting collecting equipment are inserted in text t. 1. The atlas tomes have hand-colored etchings numbered I-CCCXLII; I-VIII (III suppl.). Plates LV-LXXIX have alternate numbering for I. suppl.: I-XXV; plates LXXX-LXXXIV have alternate numbering for II. suppl.: 1-5
Plates are signed by various illustrators and engravers. Some of the illustrators include Devillers, F. Engramelle, Fossier, M.E. Hochecker, Müller, Ranson, and J.M. Zell[e]. Some of the engravers include Gerardin, J. Juillet, Car. Fran. Kraul, N. Ransonnette, Roger, Staignand, F.L. Swebach Desfontaines and others, after Ernst, and others
Signatures for text tomes: t. 1-2: pi1 a-i² (i2 signed "A") B-Z² chi1 2A-2B⁴ 2chi1 2C-2I⁴ 3chi1 2K-2V⁴ 2X² 2Y-3K⁴; t. 3: [superscript pi] A⁴ (A4+"B") A-F⁴ G² H-Q⁴ R² S⁴; t. 4: pi² 2pi1 A-L⁴ M1 N-X⁴ Y² Z⁴-2E⁴ 2F²; t. 5: pi² A-D⁴ E² F-R⁴ S² T-V⁴ X²; t. 6: pi² A-P⁴ Q² R-X⁴ Y² Z⁴ 2A1; t. 7: pi² A-C⁴ D² E-V⁴ X⁴ (-X4) Y-Z⁴; t. 8: pi1 A-E⁴ F² G-X⁴
"Moyen facile de se procurer beaucoup de chenilles, & méthode pour les dessécher & les conserver" ([2] p.), inserted in text t. 4, between p. 90 and 91
Head- and tail-pieces; title vignettes; side-notes
Errors in paging
The hand-colored plates are accompanied by blank tissue guard-sheets
A partially-completed supplement for classe I was issued in limited distribution in 1793, containing a few hand-colored plates only because of disruptions experienced during the French Revolution. See article by R. Homberg: Some unknown plates in Ernst & Engramelle's Papillons d'Europe peints d'apres nature, 1779-1793. Journal of the Society for the bibliography of natural history, v. 3 (Dec. 1953), p. 28-33
Includes bibliographical references and index
Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration
Percheron, A. Bibliographie entomologique
Hagen, H. Bib. entomologica
extracted picklist
SCNHRB copy has the text bound in 3 v. (t. 1-2; t. 3-5; and t. 6-8), and the atlas bound in 3 v
SCNHRB copy has the subscriber list bound in text t. 3
SCNHRB copy has stamp: Smithsonian Library, Nov. 4, 1952; accession nos. 349270-349275. With ms. pencil accession information inscribed in gutter of each tome following the title leaf: "SI. priv. fnd. ... Bernard Quaritch Ltd. 3 Nov. 52."
SCNHRB copy of text t. 2 has p. 208-213 and an unpaginated leaf of tables misbound in this order: p. 208, [table leaf 1], [table leaf 2], 211-212, 209-210, 213 ...
SCNHRB copy has a later blind- and gilt-tooled green half-leather binding with raised bands, and marbled boards and endpapers. The text tomes are housed in later linen-covered drop-back boxes with printed brown paper spine labels. Atlas t. 1 and t. 2 are housed in later archival paperboard boxes, with bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries ... preservation supported by the Smithsonian Women's Committee
Statement of responsibility from covers of parts
Dedication to M. Gigot d'Orcy signed: J.J. Ernst
According to Quérard in La France litteraire, some of the descriptions were written by A. Carangeot; see British Museum cat. (Nat. hist.) v. 2, p. 539
Imprint on covers of parts: À Paris. Chez Ernst, auteur ... P.M. Delaguette, imprimeur-libraire, Bazan et Poignant, marchands d'estampes ..
Imprint varies. Vols. 6-8: A Paris: Chez la veuve Delaguette ..
Dates on title pages for each of the text tomes: t. 1, MDCCLXXIX [1779]; t. 2, MDCCLXXX [1780]; t. 3, MDCCLXXXII [1782]; t. 4, MDCCLXXXV [1785]; t. 5, MDCCLXXXVI [1786]; t. 6, MDCCLXXXVIII [1788]; t. 7, MDCCXC [1790]; t. 8, MDCCXCII [1792]. Pt. 28 (text t. 8) is dated at foot of p. [89]: 1793. The atlas title pages are undated
Text tomes 1-2 also called Premiere partie; with engraved t.p., which reads: Insectes d'Europe, peints d'apres nature ... Premiere partie, les chenilles, crisalides et papillons de jour ..
Text tomes 3-8 also called Seconde partie. Tome 3 has subtitle Chenilles, crisalides, & papillons sphinx. Tomes 4-8 have subtitle Chenilles, crisaldes, & papillons-phalènes
Text volumes 1-2 are paged continuously
Pagination of text: t. 1: [8], xxxiv, 86, xi, [1] p.; t. 2: [5], 88-111, [4], 114-206, [3], 208-343, [1] p., uncolored leaves of plates I-III; t. 3: [4], x, 132 p.; t. 4: [4], 90, [2], 91-215, [3] p.; t. 5: [4], 152, [2] p.; t. 6: [4], 176, [2] p.; t. 7: [4], 173, [5] p.; t. 8: [2], 157, [1] p
Atlas consists of three tomes of "planches," each with an engraved t.p. that reads: Insectes d'Europe, peints d'apres nature .... Atlas t. 1 has imprint: Se vend à Paris, chez Ernst, auteur ..., De Laguette ..., Bazan & Poignant. Atlas t. 2 has imprint: Se vend à Paris, aux adresses des Papillons de jour, et chez Bellu et compagnie .... Atlas t. 3 has imprint: Se vend à Paris, chez Delaguette, imprimeur libraire ... [et] Bassan et Poignant md. d'estampes .... Atlas t.p. for t. 1 and t. 2 are hand-colored; atlas t.p. for t. 3 is uncolored
Atlas has 357 leaves of plates in various foliations; approximately 12 plates were issued with each part. Three numbered, uncolored plates depicting collecting equipment are inserted in text t. 1. The atlas tomes have hand-colored etchings numbered I-CCCXLII; I-VIII (III suppl.). Plates LV-LXXIX have alternate numbering for I. suppl.: I-XXV; plates LXXX-LXXXIV have alternate numbering for II. suppl.: 1-5
Plates are signed by various illustrators and engravers. Some of the illustrators include Devillers, F. Engramelle, Fossier, M.E. Hochecker, Müller, Ranson, and J.M. Zell[e]. Some of the engravers include Gerardin, J. Juillet, Car. Fran. Kraul, N. Ransonnette, Roger, Staignand, F.L. Swebach Desfontaines and others, after Ernst, and others
Signatures for text tomes: t. 1-2: pi1 a-i² (i2 signed "A") B-Z² chi1 2A-2B⁴ 2chi1 2C-2I⁴ 3chi1 2K-2V⁴ 2X² 2Y-3K⁴; t. 3: [superscript pi] A⁴ (A4+"B") A-F⁴ G² H-Q⁴ R² S⁴; t. 4: pi² 2pi1 A-L⁴ M1 N-X⁴ Y² Z⁴-2E⁴ 2F²; t. 5: pi² A-D⁴ E² F-R⁴ S² T-V⁴ X²; t. 6: pi² A-P⁴ Q² R-X⁴ Y² Z⁴ 2A1; t. 7: pi² A-C⁴ D² E-V⁴ X⁴ (-X4) Y-Z⁴; t. 8: pi1 A-E⁴ F² G-X⁴
"Moyen facile de se procurer beaucoup de chenilles, & méthode pour les dessécher & les conserver" ([2] p.), inserted in text t. 4, between p. 90 and 91
Head- and tail-pieces; title vignettes; side-notes
Errors in paging
The hand-colored plates are accompanied by blank tissue guard-sheets
A partially-completed supplement for classe I was issued in limited distribution in 1793, containing a few hand-colored plates only because of disruptions experienced during the French Revolution. See article by R. Homberg: Some unknown plates in Ernst & Engramelle's Papillons d'Europe peints d'apres nature, 1779-1793. Journal of the Society for the bibliography of natural history, v. 3 (Dec. 1953), p. 28-33
Includes bibliographical references and index
Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration
Percheron, A. Bibliographie entomologique
Hagen, H. Bib. entomologica
extracted picklist
SCNHRB copy has the text bound in 3 v. (t. 1-2; t. 3-5; and t. 6-8), and the atlas bound in 3 v
SCNHRB copy has the subscriber list bound in text t. 3
SCNHRB copy has stamp: Smithsonian Library, Nov. 4, 1952; accession nos. 349270-349275. With ms. pencil accession information inscribed in gutter of each tome following the title leaf: "SI. priv. fnd. ... Bernard Quaritch Ltd. 3 Nov. 52."
SCNHRB copy of text t. 2 has p. 208-213 and an unpaginated leaf of tables misbound in this order: p. 208, [table leaf 1], [table leaf 2], 211-212, 209-210, 213 ...
SCNHRB copy has a later blind- and gilt-tooled green half-leather binding with raised bands, and marbled boards and endpapers. The text tomes are housed in later linen-covered drop-back boxes with printed brown paper spine labels. Atlas t. 1 and t. 2 are housed in later archival paperboard boxes, with bookplate: Smithsonian Institution Libraries ... preservation supported by the Smithsonian Women's Committee
No copyright page found. No table-of-contents pages found.
- Addeddate
- 2017-06-14 19:25:58
- Associated-names
- Ernst, J. J. Papillons d'Europe, peints d'après nature. Supplement. Classe 1re; Engramelle, Joseph; Carangeot, Arnould, 1742-1806; Devillers, Charles, 1724-1809, illustrator; Fossier, illustrator; Hochecker, Maria Eleonora, 1761-1834, illustrator; Müller, C. F. (Christian Frederik), 1744-1814, illustrator; Ranson, Pierre, 1736-1786, illustrator; Zell, Johann Michael, illustrator; Gerardin, active 1779, engraver; Ransonnette, Pierre Nicolas, 1745-1810, engraver; Juillet, Jacques, 1739-, engraver; Kraul, Car. Fran., engraver; Roger, Barthélemy Joseph Fulcran, 1767-1841, engraver; Staignand, engraver; Swebach de Fontaine, Jacques François Joseph, 1769-1823, engraver; Delaguette, Pierre-Méri, -1788, publisher; Veuve Delaguette (Firm), publisher; Bazan & Poignant, publisher; Bellu (Firm), publisher; Bernard Quaritch (Firm), bookseller
- Call number
- 39088015653108
- Camera
- Canon 5D
- External-identifier
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- papillonsdeurope03erns
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t3dz5rx1k
- Identifier-bib
- 39088015653108
- Invoice
- 29
- Ocr
- tesseract 5.3.0-6-g76ae
- Ocr_detected_lang
- lb
- Ocr_detected_lang_conf
- 1.0000
- Ocr_detected_script
- Arabic
- Ocr_detected_script_conf
- 0.9811
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.21
- Ocr_parameters
- -l fra
- Page-progression
- lr
- Page_number_confidence
- 0
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.3
- Pages
- 282
- Pdf_module_version
- 0.0.23
- Possible copyright status
- Not in copyright. The BHL knows of no copyright restrictions on this item.
- Ppi
- 650
- References
- Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration, 1300; Percheron, A. Bibliographie entomologique, p. 101; Hagen, H. Bib. entomologica, I, p. 213
- Republisher_date
- 20170615140212
- Republisher_operator
- Scandate
- 20170614195139
- Scanner
- Scanningcenter
- washingtondc
- Title_id
- 140405
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 84606431
- Year
- 1779
- Full catalog record
This book is
available with additional data
Biodiversity Heritage Library.
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